Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Month of Blogging

As of today, I have been at this a month. Here are some thoughts in no particular order:
  1. This is the 28th post, so almost one post a day.
  2. According to my counter software, traffic has been miniscule. This is perfectly fine, and in line with the goals for the site.
  3. I find I am using the blog differently than I expected. I have ended up doing little capsule summaries of books, plays, and such. I have done this more for selfish purposes than anything else. I have found it helpful to try to condense my thoughts into a paragraph. I hope it may help jog my memory of the event in later years.
  4. A couple of posts have struck me, even as I wrote them, as pretty depressive. Writing them down, though, has lifted a weight. Blogging as therapy.
So, all in all, I think I'll continue this project for a bit and see where we go.

- J

1 comment:

Kris said...

Keep blogging! I am enjoying your posts.
