Sunday, October 7, 2007

Notes on "Antonia's Line"

My wife, K, and I watched Antonia's Line on Saturday night. I am not sure how I feel about this Dutch film. The plot moved along confidently and at an enjoyable pace, always taking us on unexpected turns. It was well enough acted and it was interesting to see the Dutch countryside. At times the movie evoked in tone Jonah, Who Will be 25 in the Year 2000, at other times The World According to Garp or the Hotel New Hampshire.

On the other hand there was the narrator. The movie employed the same technique that seems now ubuiquitous on television comic soaps like Desperate Housewives. The narrator not only does most of the work of exposition, but has a knowing, ironic, amused (snarky?) tone that tells you how to feel about everything and everyone. I don't know whether this technique originated with Antonia's Line or with American televison, but I think it is distracting and a bit too easy.

- J

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