Tuesday, October 23, 2007

On pleasing one's self

Face it, this is a vanity blog. I don't mean that in a bad way. I mean that the only guide I have is to please myself. I try to find interesting things to say, but I can only judge "interesting" by what interests me.

This is not a blog with a well-defined mission. I do not have specialized information to convey or obsessions to feed. I am not a member of an identifiable subculture. So there it is.

I am not terribly comfortable with the idea of being my own assignment editor. I was not raised to think of myself as particularly interesting. So I have evolved strategies. For example, I record capsule summaries of some of the things we do -- movies, theater, books, and such -- on the grounds that it may jog my memory of it in the future. I document links of sites I like. I feel I might as well help someone's google rating while I am at this.

- J

1 comment:

Kris said...

I may be a tad biased, but I think you are extremely interesting.